Apocalypse Cast Forms

Welcome to the cast of APOCALYPSE! Please read and fill the form below before first rehearsal.

Welcome to the apocalypse

We are excited to have you join our cast team. Please read the below cast expectations with your parent/guardian and fill the form before first rehearsal. Scroll down to see the full cast list.

the important stuff:

Attendance: Cast members are expected to attend all of their scheduled rehearsals on time (draft rehearsal calendar below - rehearsal load higher for lead roles). If an actor is unable to attend an upcoming rehearsal, please notify D’faces as far in advance as is feasible. when running late please text the director or assistant director (please do not call as team may be unsable to pick up phone before or during rehearsal). If a cast member has multiple unexplained absences, our creative team reserve the right to recast (in the instance of a major role) or reallocate some of the actors on stage responsibilities.

Attitude: Making theatre together is about having fun, but we also want to make sure we present a great show. Leave the drama outside the drama. Actors should arrive at rehearsals with a good attitude and ready to engage in all activities. A quiet space will be provided for cast members to use whenever they begin feeling frustrated or overwhelmed. We know that sometimes people just don’t get along, but we ask that if a cast member is having issues with another, that they speak privately with the director or assistant director. Do not give direction to other actors; that is the director’s responsibility. If you have an idea, you can share it with the director.

Devices: We ask that phones are kept switched off during rehearsals and are not used while waiting side stage. Director and Assistant Director reserve the right to introduce a “phone box” if issues arise with phone usage.

Audience Skills: During rehearsals we expect good audience skills from off stage cast. We understand the rehearsals can get long and boring, but it is important that we pay our fellow actors, and directors respect when they are on stage or delivering notes.

Production: Actors may be required to assist in the building and creation of sets, props, and costumes. Any parents/guardians interested in assisting in this process, please contact us asap!

Performance and Preparation: Actors are required to spend some time outside of rehearsal learning their lines. Scripts will be no longer allowed on stage from Thursday 3 October, though we will encourage scripts down from mid September. Actors are responsible for their script - a replacement fee may be charged for any script reprints. All cast must be available for tech week rehearsals. Actors should not touch other actors props or costumes, all prop and costume pieces assigned to a character are that actors individual responsibility.

What to bring along: We recommend building a personal rehearsal bag that you bring along every week. Good things to have inside are: A notebook for jotting down notes from director, a pencil (or a few), a large water bottle, some snacks (should not be eaten during rehearsal or performances, please reserve eating for breaks), any medication you may need,

Advice for actors: The earlier you are off script, the more you will be able to develop your character. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Always try the director’s idea, even if you think it might not be a good idea. You may find that it actually works, and if not, you’ve shown the director that it doesn’t work. Review your lines, blocking and any notes the director had given you before rehearsals and performances.

Membership: All actors who are not yet D’faces members must have paid membership and drama term fees before Monday 12 August. Membership can be paid with cash in person, or via the shop tab on our website. Membership: $30, Fees: $40/term.

We know this might all feel overwhelming at this early stage, but these guidelines are just in place to make sure everyone stays safe, has fun, and we create the best show we can! Printed copies of the above information will be available to put in the back of your script, and will be hung on the wall in the rehearsal room.

draft rehersal schedule

Please note that this is not a final schedule and any extracurricular conflicts will be taken into account when finalising each months timetables. Monday sessions and tech week are most likely to remain constant, while other days and times may change.

Cast List

Grace: Harper Matthews

Ruby: Mia Liano

Georgia: Katie Smith

Zoe: Isabella Attwood

Emma: Annalise Fisher

Mr Moores/Stephen: Charlie Smyth

Noah: Reanne Warner

Emma’s Mum: Felicity White

Winston (Area 53): Isabella Barlow

Area 53 Official: Zaira Giles

Infomercial Actors:

Zombies: Jacob Barlow, Maddi Perrins, Isla Klippert, Emily McCutcheon, Felicity White, Delilah Wellington, Alexandra Yates

cast groups

Group A: Grace, Ruby, Zoe, Emma, Georgia, Noah

Group B: Grace, Ruby, Zoe, Emma, Noah, Mr Moores

Group C: Grace, Emma, Stephen

Group D: Infomercial Actors

Group E: Emma’s Mum, Winston, Area 53 Official, All Zombies

Please make a note of your cast group, as these groups will be reflected on rehearsal schedules. Any changes to these groups will be communicated to families

Contact details

Michal Hughes (Director) 0455 551 489 or

Confirmation form